We have closed the online registration. If you would still like to attend, walk-ins at the event welcome! PLEASE NOTE: You may pay with CASH ONLY at the door.
Mission San Jose High School
Class of 1979
35 Year Reunion!
Dear Classmates,
Wow! It is hard to believe that it has been 35 years since we all walked the Hallowed Halls of Mission San Jose High on Palm Avenue! Time has certainly flown by… Jimmy Carter was the President, Gas was 60 cents per gallon and traffic jams had not yet been invented in Fremont! How did we survive trips to Santa Cruz, Clear Lake, Dodge Ridge and ‘Day-On-The-Green’ without cell phones and (for most of us) air conditioning in our cars?! How did we live without a computer?! Actually we did fine!
Well, it’s time for us to all get together, catch up with old friends and reminisce about the good old days!
We are planning our 35th reunion and have a fantastic night planned for Saturday, September 13, 2014, at the Hilton in Pleasanton. Please do whatever you can to make it to this great event! Everyone wants to see you and hear what you’ve been up to! We look forward to seeing you there.
High Class Reunions has been selected to manage the details. Information is forthcoming…
The Class of 1979 Reunion Committee.